Thursday, April 8, 2010

cars & kids

Got a car today. see jennifer's blog for pictures, it's quite amazing really. When people asked me before I left what was I most afraid of, one of the things I almost always said first was driving. and today I drove. and no I didn't start out driving in Soroti where there are very few cars, but in over-crowded Kamapla. who has like one working traffic light. I thought I would be so much more nervous, but found myself continually agreeing to drive through Kampala even when I've had no experience driving from the left side of the car on the left side of the street. I'm sure there will come some more nerve wrecking times while driving and i ask for your continual prayers for this, especially supernatural awareness of potential dangers, like kids running in the street and reckless taxi drivers. God definitly granted me peace as I got behind the wheel, so thank you to all who have been praying for this for me. Also today while driving, and waiting at the one traffic light (for three rotations of the light at least) I was reminded of the extreme poverty and desperateness that we find ourselves in. So many kids came up to our windows while sitting so long at this light. Each with sad eyes and hungry tummies, and we don't want to give money for multiple reasons (often they are pretty much enslaved to an adult who takes the majority of it, or they buy things to get high with) and I didn't have any food with me, and it's just hard to ignore them, and even harder to look into their eyes. I found myself hoping that the traffic light would change quickly so I wouldn't have to look at them any more and feel so helpless, but really, when the light changed and I moved on, those kids were still there, they could still be there now, several hours later, and I wonder where they will sleep tonight. Its amazing how quickly we forget the need around us when it's not right in our face. that's why it's so easy for the rich church in america to become so complacent and selfish. it's not in our face in america everyday like it is here. We can turn off our tv's or close our books and forget about all the stuff going on around the world that we need to be pleading to our Father about. here it will be in our face everyday. and part of me is thankful for that, as much as it breaks my heart. I can experience a little more of our Fathers heart as it breaks for His sweet and precious children that suffer so. I was going to be done, but also must add this. Our Father's heart must also break for the children in the American church as well, as they get whatever they want, when they want most of the time and are filled with so much of this world that they have little appetite left for Him...ok. must go. think about it. pray about it out...